Shop Items: Gysahl Greens – 10 shown
This item will not be sold by Chocolina until you have reached this time period; even items exclusively sold in other time periods may require you to venture further in your quest before they become available
Trigger Time Period
Items in the 'Special' category are only sold by Chocolina in a single time period, indicated here; items in other categories are available for sale in all time periods after they initially become available
Exclusively Sold In
Special Bresha Ruins -005 AF- Bresha Ruins -005 AF-
Special Bresha Ruins -300 AF- Bresha Ruins -300 AF-
Special Yaschas Massif -110 AF- Yaschas Massif -110 AF-
Special Augusta Tower -300 AF- Augusta Tower -300 AF-
Special Yaschas Massif -100 AF- Yaschas Massif -100 AF-
Special Bresha Ruins -100 AF- Bresha Ruins -100 AF-
Special Oerba -300 AF- Oerba -300 AF-
Special Oerba -400 AF- Oerba -400 AF-
Special Sunleth Waterscape -400 AF- Sunleth Waterscape -400 AF-
Special The Archylte Steppe -Year Unknown- The Archylte Steppe -Year Unknown-
Items of Interest: Gysahl Greens – 6 shown
What type of item of interest this is; the data displayed in the 'Point of Interest' column depends on the type
Details on this particular item of interest; certain types have special information; live triggers will provide the (humorous) responses that allow you to earn special live trigger rewards; cinematic actions will display the button commands entered for that action
Point of Interest
Time Period Area Notes
Treasure Gysahl Greens ×2 New Bodhum -003 AF- Meteorite Impact Site Lower part of ledge overlooking meteorite
Treasure Gysahl Greens ×2 Bresha Ruins -005 AF- Echoes of the Past On the path leading to Atlas
Treasure Gysahl Greens Yaschas Massif -010 AF- The Pass of Paddra In a lit area past Chocolina
Treasure Gysahl Greens Yaschas Massif -010 AF- The Paddraean Archaeopolis Use Moogle Hunt in the northeast corner of the base
Treasure Gysahl Greens ×2 Oerba -200 AF- Village Proper On the right side of the main street
Treasure Gysahl Greens ×3 The Archylte Steppe -Year Unknown- Clearwater Marshes Use Moogle Hunt in the western waters
Time Periods: Where Gysahl Greens is found with Improved Moogle Throw – 2 shown