Shop Goods: Weapons Mon May – 1 shown
The name of the shop where this item is sold
The cost to buy this item in this shop, if it is available for sale; these values apply if you do not have the Haggle menu ability
The cost to buy this item in this shop if you have the Haggle menu ability and it is available for sale
Whether the Familiar menu ability is required to purchase this item from this shop
Esthar Book Store 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Items of Interest: Where Weapons Mon May is Found – 1 shown
What this point of interest is
The part of the world where this point of interest is located
The specific area within this location where this point of interest is located
Details on where this point of interest specifically can be found
Weapons Mon May Deling City Sewer Reached via sewer grate outside Presidential Residence
Weapons: Found in Weapons Mon May – 4 shown
Upgraded weapons are improved versions of starting weapons; ultimate weapons are the most powerful versions of each character's weapon
The character that can use this weapon
The bonus to strength provided by this weapon
The base hit rating of this weapon; a character can augment this value through junctioning or by using certain abilities; hit determines the accuracy of the character's physical attacks; a weapon with a hit of 255% cannot miss
The cost to perform this weapon upgrade in a junk shop; you must also have the appropriate components to perform an upgrade
The components required to upgrade to this weapon; you must also pay a gil cost to perform the upgrade
Ulysses Irvine 15 108% 150 gil Steel Pipe, Screw ×2, Bomb Fragment
Slaying Tail Quistis 15 104% 150 gil Magic Stone ×2, Sharp Spike
Valkyrie Rinoa 14 101% 150 gil Magic Stone, Shear Feather
Cutting Trigger Squall 18 255% 300 gil Screw ×8, Mesmerize Blade