Weapons: Which Lark can Ready – 16 shown
Magic weapons are only sold in the hidden city of Dawn; exotics are ultimate weapons that may be used by any class, but must be found
Weapons of a given type will not appear when you use the Ready command until you have found at least one weapon of that type or better
Whether this weapon can be used to attack only adjacent squares or at range; ranged weapons hit the first target in a direct line from where they are fired
The cost to buy this weapon in a shop; a weapon may be sold for this full value to any shop that sells that weapon
The character types who can Ready this weapon
Hands A Mundane Melee - - All types
Dagger B Mundane Ranged Lost if used at range 5 gold All types
Mace C Mundane Melee - 30 gold F, C, T, P, B, L, I, D, R
Sling D Mundane Ranged - 60 gold F, T, P, B, L, R
Axe E Mundane Melee - 125 gold F, T, P, B, L, R
Bow F Mundane Ranged - 350 gold F, T, P, B, L, R
Sword G Mundane Melee - 200 gold F, T, P, B, L, R
2-H-Swd H Mundane Melee - 250 gold F, P, B, L, R
+2 Axe I Magic Melee - 400 gold F, P, B, L, R
+2 Bow J Magic Ranged - 1,050 gold F, P, B, L, R
+2 Swd K Magic Melee - 800 gold F, P, B, L, R
Gloves L Magic Melee - 1,200 gold F, P, B, L
+4 Axe M Magic Melee - 2,700 gold F, P, B, L
+4 Bow N Magic Ranged - 6,550 gold F, P, B, L
+4 Swd O Magic Melee - 4,550 gold F, P, B, L
Exotic P Exotic Melee - - All types