Set Creatures: Found in Fawn – 32 shown
This creature's default behavior; if you attack any creature, all guards in the area will change their behavior to 'Attack'
If this creature has a special message when you Transact with it, that message is shown here
Special Message
Cleric Stand <Pray> for the invocation!
Cleric Stand <Pray> in the Circle of Light!
Cleric Stand `Invoke' the Silver Snake!
Cleric Stand To pass you need a Mark!
Cleric Stand Fawn is a nice place!
Merchant Pursue -
Merchant Wander -
Merchant Wander -
Merchant Wander -
Merchant Pursue -
Merchant Pursue -
Guard Stand -
Guard Stand -
Guard Stand -
Guard Stand -
Guard Stand -
Guard Stand -
Guard Wander -
Guard Wander -
Thief Wander -
loading table data...
Shops: Found in Fawn – 10 shown
Shop Type
Item Price
Guild Key 50 gold
Guild Torch 6 gold
Guild Powder 90 gold
Guild Gem 75 gold
Grocery Food 1 gold
Pub Drink 7 gold
Healing Curing 100 gold
Healing Healing 200 gold
Healing Resurrection 500 gold
Healing Recallings 900 gold
Creatures: Encountered in Fawn – 6 shown
Dungeon creatures are found in dungeons or in Castle Fire; town creatures are not normally aggressive; invincible creatures cannot be defeated
Some monsters have multiple versions that share a sprite but have different names; all versions of a monster are statistically identical
Other Versions
The character that scores the killing blow on this type of monster receives this many experience points
Creatures of this type may randomly appear in these locations; some monsters only appear in preset locations, and are not encountered at random
Merchant - 1 - -
Guard - 15 - -
Fighter - 8 Land -
Cleric - 6 - -
Wizard - 10 Land Uses damage spell
Thief Cutpurse, Brigand 5 Land May pilfer weapons or armour (not equipped)