Elemental Vulnerability
Fire Ice Thunder Water Wind Earth Pearl Poison
Weak pt Absorb HP Absorb HP Absorb HP Absorb HP Absorb HP Absorb HP Absorb HP
Status Vulnerability
Dark Zombie Poison Imp Petrify Wound Condemned Near Fatal Mute
Prevent Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Prevent
Berserk Muddled Seizure Psyche Slow Stop Freeze Charm HP Leak
Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Clear Float Image Regen Haste Shell Safe Reflect Life 3
Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Metamorph (25% chance of success)
Sour Mouth (3/4) Poison (1/4)
Control/Colosseum/Muddled Actions
Lores: Learned from Evil Oscar – 1 shown
World of Ruin lores are used by monsters in the World of Ruin; unique monster lores are used only by specific unique creatures; special monster lores are used only certain powerful creatures; some lores can be learned in other ways via the use of special abilities
MP Description
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Sour Mouth 32 Inflicts status ailment on an enemy One Foe - 100 - - Dark, Poison, Imp, Mute, Muddled, Psyche -
Abilities: Used by Evil Oscar – 3 shown
Monster abilities cannot normally be used by characters; character abilities are learned by specific characters and are covered in this guide under the appropriate section; spells are normal spells that characters can learn; lores are monster abilities that can be learned by Strago; esper abilities are the results of summoning; dance moves are used while dancing; special attacks are used by some characters in certain circumstances; item abilities are how items function
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The estimated average amount of damage this ability will deal to a target with 128 Mag.Def when used by this monster; actual damage will vary considerably based on the target's Defense or Mag.Def and other factors, but this is a good measure of the relative danger of this ability; a dagger (†) indicates that the ability ignores defense; fractional damage estimates are based on the maximum HP of characters of a similar level to the monster
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Poison Magic One Foe 231 25 3 100 Reflect, Runic Poison Poison -
Sneeze Magic One/All Foes - - 20 100% - - - -
Sour Mouth Magic One Foe - - 32 100 - - Dark, Poison, Imp, Mute, Muddled, Psyche -
Encounter Groups: With Evil Oscar – 7 shown
Area Map Condition
The average amount of experience won in an encounter in this group
Avg. Exp.
The average amount of GP won in an encounter in this group
Avg. GP
The average amount of magic points won in an encounter in this group
Avg. Mag. Pts.
The range of average levels of monsters found in this group's encounters; level directly impacts the damage done by a monster's attacks, and is a good general indicator of the difficulty of any given encounter
Right 3 Evil Oscars (6/16)
2 Brontaurs (10/16)
6,900 2,985 4.0 50–56
- Brontaur, Evil Oscar (5/16)
4 Vectaurs (5/16)
GtBehemoth, Evil Oscar, Vectaur (6/16)
6,675 2,939 3.4 53–59
- Brontaur, Evil Oscar (5/16)
4 Vectaurs (5/16)
GtBehemoth, Evil Oscar, Vectaur (6/16)
6,675 2,939 3.4 53–59
- GtBehemoth, Evil Oscar, Vectaur (6/16)
GtBehemoth, 2 Vectaurs (10/16)
7,425 3,964 5.6 58–59
- 3 Evil Oscars (6/16)
2 Brontaurs (10/16)
6,900 2,985 4.0 50–56
- 3 Evil Oscars (6/16)
2 Brontaurs (10/16)
6,900 2,985 4.0 50–56
- 3 Evil Oscars (6/16)
2 Brontaurs (10/16)
6,900 2,985 4.0 50–56
Encounters: With Evil Oscar – 3 shown
World of Ruin encounters cannot be found in the World of Balance; unique encounters are found as set encounters or treasure guardians, but never as a random battle; legendary dragons are unique monsters that are found in the World of Ruin; special bosses have unique music and immense power; the final bosses are the last creatures fought in the game
Any encounters you've seen that appear on the Veldt will appear in groups; each encounter goes to the next group with at least one available encounter in it; encounters with no value listed do not appear on the Veldt
Veldt Group
Exp. GP Magic Points
The range of levels of monsters found in this encounter; level directly impacts the damage done by a monster's attacks, and is a good general indicator of the difficulty of any given encounter
Each party member must run long enough to set their run value to at least this number in order to escape this encounter; side attacks have a run difficulty of zero and it is not possible to run from pincer attacks unless all monsters on one side have been defeated
Run Difficulty
The specific monsters that appear during this encounter
35 5,800 2,520 3 50–56 12 Brontaur, Evil Oscar
42 8,300 4,570 5 56–59 Can't Run GtBehemoth, Evil Oscar, Vectaur
42 8,400 3,960 4 56 18 Evil Oscars
Colosseum: vs. Evil Oscar – 3 shown
Bet Win Opponent HP LV
In the colosseum, monsters choose their actions from the same list as the one used when you Control that monster; special attacks are named attacks unique to that monster
The estimated average amount of damage this monster's attack will deal to a target with 128 Defense; actual damage will vary considerably based on the target's Defense and other factors, but this is a good measure of the relative danger of monster's attacks
The percentage of base damage (based on 128 Defense) this monster takes from physical attacks due to its Defense score; a '1' indicates that the monster takes 1 damage from any physical attack
Phys. Vuln.
The percentage of base damage (based on 128 Mag.Def) this monster takes from magic attacks due to its Mag.Def score; a '1' indicates that the monster takes 1 damage from any magic attack
Mag.. Vuln.
Due to a bug, MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead of Evade %
Flame Sabre Ogre Nix Evil Oscar 7,000 56 Battle, Poison, Sneeze, Sour Mouth 635 109% 117% 0
Coronet Regal Crown Evil Oscar 7,000 56 Battle, Poison, Sneeze, Sour Mouth 635 109% 117% 0
Gold Hairpin Dragon Horn Evil Oscar 7,000 56 Battle, Poison, Sneeze, Sour Mouth 635 109% 117% 0
Maps: Where Evil Oscar is found – 7 shown
World of Ruin maps cannot be found in the World of Balance; persistent maps are found in both the World of Balance as well as the World of Ruin
The random encounters found on this map; if the encounter list changes at certain points during the game, each list is shown here
The number of treasures found on this map
The dance learned by Mog upon fighting a battle on this map; if this dance is used during a battle here, the dancer has no chance of stumbling; different terrain types on the world map have different dances; plains and wastelands use the Wind Song, forests use the Forest Suite, and deserts use the Desert Aria
The price of the inn found on this map; this inn is not necessarily available at all times
Inn Price
The price of the chocobo rental found on this map; this chocobo rental is not necessarily available at all times
Chocobo Price
Save Point Recovery Spring
Whether it is possible to use Warp on this map
Ruin Brontaur, Evil Oscar (5/16)
4 Vectaurs (5/16)
GtBehemoth, Evil Oscar, Vectaur (6/16)
8 Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Ruin GtBehemoth, Evil Oscar, Vectaur (6/16)
GtBehemoth, 2 Vectaurs (10/16)
- Dusk Requium - - - - Yes
Ruin 3 Evil Oscars (6/16)
2 Brontaurs (10/16)
1 Dusk Requium - - - - Yes
Ruin 3 Evil Oscars (6/16)
2 Brontaurs (10/16)
1 Dusk Requium - - - - Yes
Ruin Right
3 Evil Oscars (6/16)
2 Brontaurs (10/16)
Land Worm (100%)
- Dusk Requium - - - - Yes
Ruin 3 Evil Oscars (6/16)
2 Brontaurs (10/16)
- Dusk Requium - - - - Yes
Ruin Brontaur, Evil Oscar (5/16)
4 Vectaurs (5/16)
GtBehemoth, Evil Oscar, Vectaur (6/16)
- Dusk Requium - - - - Yes
Items: Obtained from Evil Oscar – 2 shown
Rare items can be stolen from monsters; limited items are usually found as treasure; strange items can be won in the colosseum
Type Description Price Value
The status effects removed by this item
Remedy - Cures status ailments except "Zombie" 1,000 GP 500 GP Dark, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Seizure
Warp Stone - Same effect as "Warp" 700 GP 350 GP -