Treasures: Found in Earth Cave – 24 shown
Treasure Map
The specifics of where this treasure can be found
1,975 G Earth Cave B1 In the chest in the northern room (guarded)
HEAL Potion Earth Cave B1 In the right chest in the southwestern room (guarded)
880 G Earth Cave B1 In the left chest in the southwestern room
795 G Earth Cave B1 In the right chest in the southeastern room
PURE Potion Earth Cave B1 In the left chest in the southeastern room (guarded)
Wooden Shield Earth Cave B2 In the bottom left chest in the southwestern room (guarded)
575 G Earth Cave B2 In the bottom right chest in the southwestern room (guarded)
5,000 G Earth Cave B2 In the top chest in the southwestern room (guarded)
Coral Sword Earth Cave B2 In the top left chest in the northeastern room
CABIN Earth Cave B2 In the top right chest in the northeastern room
330 G Earth Cave B2 In the solitary right chest in the northeastern room
TENT Earth Cave B3 In the chest in the southeastern room
HEAL Potion Earth Cave B3 In the chest in the eastern room (guarded)
3,400 G Earth Cave B3 In the chest in the northern room (guarded)
1,020 G Earth Cave B3 In the chest in the small western room (guarded)
RUBY Earth Cave B3 In the chest in the southern room
3,400 G Earth Cave B4 In the right of the right-side chests in the northern room (guarded)
Wooden Staff Earth Cave B4 In the left of the right-side chests in the northern room (guarded)
1,520 G Earth Cave B4 In the top right of the left-side chests in the northern room
5,450 G Earth Cave B4 In the top left of the left-side chests in the northern room (guarded)
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