Set Creatures: Found in Britain – 32 shown
This creature's default behavior; if you attack any creature, all guards in the area will change their behavior to 'Attack'
If this creature has a special message when you Transact with it, that message is shown here
Special Message
Guard Stand -
Guard Stand -
Guard Stand -
Guard Stand -
Merchant Pursue -
Merchant Pursue -
Merchant Pursue -
Merchant Pursue -
Cleric Stand Is it not lovely
Wizard Stand Quest ye unto Lost Ambrosia!
Thief Stand Only with Exotic arms can you win
Thief Stand Exodus lies beyond the Silver Snake!
Merchant Stand `Dawn' comes each new pair!
Fighter Stand Dupre laughs: Drink up!
Fighter Wander -
Fighter Wander -
Fighter Wander -
Thief Stand Round back!
Guard Wander -
Guard Wander -
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