Shop Items: Sold in Aged Man's House – 8 shown
World of Ruin shops replace the original shops in the World of Ruin
Item Price Map World Notes
Wandering Merchant Tonic 50 GP Balance Rides in on chocobo, leaves after a time
Wandering Merchant Fenix Down 500 GP Balance Rides in on chocobo, leaves after a time
Wandering Merchant Tent 1,200 GP Balance Rides in on chocobo, leaves after a time
Wandering Merchant Shuriken 30 GP Balance Rides in on chocobo, leaves after a time
Wandering Merchant Plumed Hat 250 GP Balance Rides in on chocobo, leaves after a time
Wandering Merchant Inviz Edge 200 GP Balance Rides in on chocobo, leaves after a time
Wandering Merchant Shadow Edge 400 GP Balance Rides in on chocobo, leaves after a time
Wandering Merchant Sprint Shoes 1,500 GP Balance Rides in on chocobo, leaves after a time