Set Encounters: With M-TekArmor Rage – 5 shown
Any encounters you've seen that appear on the Veldt will appear in groups; each encounter goes to the next group with at least one available encounter in it; encounters with no value listed do not appear on the Veldt
Veldt Group
Area Map Item Won Notes
2 M-TekArmors 5 - During Figaro Castle escape sequence, back attack
2 Soldiers, M-TekArmor 4 - Speak to the soldier near the northwest tent
M-TekArmor 4 - Follow the path once Cyan joins and you are using MagiTek Armor (first encounter)
2 Soldiers, M-TekArmor 4 - Follow the path once Cyan joins and you are using MagiTek Armor (second encounter)
2 M-TekArmors 5 - Follow the path once Cyan joins and you are using MagiTek Armor (third encounter)