Items: Which Remove Zombie – 3 shown
Rare items can be stolen from monsters; limited items are usually found as treasure; strange items can be won in the colosseum
Type Description Price Value
The status effects removed by this item
Revivify - Cures "Zombie" status 300 GP 150 GP Zombie
Sleeping Bag - Recovers HP/MP to 100% 500 GP 250 GP Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Clear
Tent - Recovers party's HP/MP to 100% 1,200 GP 600 GP Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Clear
Monsters: With Zombie-inflicting Special Attacks – 13 shown
World of Ruin monsters cannot be found in the World of Balance; unique monsters are found as set encounters or treasure guardians, but never in a random battle; legendary dragons are unique monsters that are found in the World of Ruin; special bosses have unique music and immense power; the final bosses are the last creatures fought in the game
HP MP LV Exp. GP Elements
Most monsters have a special attack that is a modified basic attack; this attack is sometimes referred to as 'Special' regardless of its name
Special Attack
'Battle' refers to the effects of the monster's normal attack; HP draining, and MP draining attacks are indicated by their text color
Special Attack Effect
Speed Stamina Mag.Pwr Bat.Pwr
The estimated average amount of damage this monster's attack will deal to a target with 128 Defense; actual damage will vary considerably based on the target's Defense and other factors, but this is a good measure of the relative danger of monster's attacks
The estimated average amount of damage this monster's special attack will deal to a target with 128 Defense; actual damage will vary considerably based on the target's Defense and other factors
S.A. Dmg.
The percentage of base damage (based on 128 Defense) this monster takes from physical attacks due to its Defense score; a '1' indicates that the monster takes 1 damage from any physical attack
Phys. Vuln.
Evade % is listed in gray to indicate that, due to a bug, this value is not used; MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead
Evade %
The percentage of base damage (based on 128 Mag.Def) this monster takes from magic attacks due to its Mag.Def score; a '1' indicates that the monster takes 1 damage from any magic attack
Mag.. Vuln.
Due to a bug, MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead of Evade %
Hit Rate
The items that can be stolen from this monster; even if a steal attempt would be successful, if no item is selected it will fail and can be attempted again
The items that can be dropped by this monster; there is always a chance of a drop if an item is listed
Any special properties the monster has
Status effects that are always active on this monster as well as those it is immune to
Ogor 4,211 219 44 1,583 869 Weak pt: Thunder, Poison Zombite Zombie 32 24 11 19 477 - 100 121% 30 150 82% 30 100 Ashura (7/8), Murasame (1/8) Revivify (7/8) Human Prevent: Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Psyche
FossilFang 1,399 219 20 380 1,870 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Ice, Water, Pearl
Bone Zombie 35 18 3 25 117 - 100 121% 0 165 70% 0 100 Remedy (7/8), Revivify (1/8) - Can't Suplex, Undead Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Zombone 1,991 160 21 1,072 309 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Bone Zombie 40 19 10 29 142 - 150 82% 0 100 121% 0 100 Potion (7/8), Fenix Down (1/8) Fenix Down (1/8) Can't Suplex, Undead Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Black Drgn 4,000 600 26 780 502 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
BonePowder Zombie 30 23 10 14 143 - 102 120% 0 20 184% 0 100 Revivify (7/8) Tent (1/8) Can't Suplex, Undead Seizure
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Bloompire 12 400 26 510 896 Absorb HP: Water
Weak pt: Fire
Energy Sap Zombie 35 16 10 13 138 - 254 1% 0 254 1% 0 100 Echo Screen (1/8) Smoke Bomb (1/8) Can't Suplex, Undead, Wound at 0 MP Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Exoray 1,200 112 29 449 370 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
DoomPollen Zombie 33 18 10 13 172 - 105 117% 0 105 117% 0 100 - Revivify (7/8) Undead Shell
Prevent: Dark, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Psyche
Orog 1,584 250 30 510 716 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Zombite Zombie 35 19 10 45 392 - 105 117% 0 140 90% 0 100 Amulet (1/8) Amulet (7/8), Revivify (1/8) Human, Undead Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Osteosaur 1,584 143 30 770 542 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Fossil Zombie 33 19 10 45 392 - 115 109% 0 155 78% 0 100 Remedy (1/8) Revivify (7/8) Undead, Wound at 0 MP Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Wizard 1,677 200 32 587 388 Weak pt: Thunder, Poison Doom Step Zombie 33 19 10 13 208 - 50 160% 0 160 74% 0 100 Thunder Rod (7/8), Ice Rod (1/8) Fire Rod (1/8) Human Prevent: Dark, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Berserk, Muddled
Hidonite 3,500 1,000 43 - - Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Zombi Claw Zombie 30 22 10 13 375 - 105 117% 0 130 98% 0 100 - - Can't Control, Undead Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Necromancr 3,525 900 48 1,510 791 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
ZombiStick Zombie 25 22 7 13 467 - 100 121% 0 150 82% 0 100 Fenix Down (1/8) Revivify (7/8) Can't Suplex, Human, Undead, Wound at 0 MP Float
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Uroburos 50 760 48 1,780 390 Absorb HP: Fire
Weak pt: Ice
Doom Touch Zombie 40 16 10 13 467 - 252 2% 0 252 2% 0 100 Fenix Down (1/8) Fenix Down (1/8) - Prevent: Dark, Imp, Petrify, Near Fatal, Mute, Psyche
Tiger 30,000 10,000 70 - - Absorb HP: Earth
Weak pt: Ice
Doom Tusk Zombie 21 40 7 13 992 - 120 105% 0 153 80% 0 100 Elixir (7/8) - Can't Control, Can't Scan, Can't Sketch, Can't Suplex Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Psyche, Slow, Stop, Clear
Abilities: Which Add or Remove Zombie – 9 shown
Monster abilities cannot normally be used by characters; character abilities are learned by specific characters and are covered in this guide under the appropriate section; spells are normal spells that characters can learn; lores are monster abilities that can be learned by Strago; esper abilities are the results of summoning; dance moves are used while dancing; special attacks are used by some characters in certain circumstances; item abilities are how items function
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
ChokeSmoke Magic One Foe - 20 100% - - Zombie -
Mind Blast Magic All Foes - 20 110 - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Overcast Magic All Foes - 20 100% Wound - Zombie, Condemned -
Pep Up Magic One Ally 16 1 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Petrify, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Revivify Item One Ally 1/8 HP - 100% - - Zombie -
Soul Out Magic One Foe - 20 100% - - Zombie -
Spiraler Magic All Allies 200 - 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop, Freeze -
Tapir Magic All Allies - - 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Wild Bear Magic All Allies 100 - 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Petrify, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop, Freeze -
Monsters: Immune to Zombie – 171 shown
World of Ruin monsters cannot be found in the World of Balance; unique monsters are found as set encounters or treasure guardians, but never in a random battle; legendary dragons are unique monsters that are found in the World of Ruin; special bosses have unique music and immense power; the final bosses are the last creatures fought in the game
HP MP LV Exp. GP Elements
Most monsters have a special attack that is a modified basic attack; this attack is sometimes referred to as 'Special' regardless of its name
Special Attack
'Battle' refers to the effects of the monster's normal attack; HP draining, and MP draining attacks are indicated by their text color
Special Attack Effect
Speed Stamina Mag.Pwr Bat.Pwr
The estimated average amount of damage this monster's attack will deal to a target with 128 Defense; actual damage will vary considerably based on the target's Defense and other factors, but this is a good measure of the relative danger of monster's attacks
The estimated average amount of damage this monster's special attack will deal to a target with 128 Defense; actual damage will vary considerably based on the target's Defense and other factors
S.A. Dmg.
The percentage of base damage (based on 128 Defense) this monster takes from physical attacks due to its Defense score; a '1' indicates that the monster takes 1 damage from any physical attack
Phys. Vuln.
Evade % is listed in gray to indicate that, due to a bug, this value is not used; MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead
Evade %
The percentage of base damage (based on 128 Mag.Def) this monster takes from magic attacks due to its Mag.Def score; a '1' indicates that the monster takes 1 damage from any magic attack
Mag.. Vuln.
Due to a bug, MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead of Evade %
Hit Rate
The items that can be stolen from this monster; even if a steal attempt would be successful, if no item is selected it will fail and can be attempted again
The items that can be dropped by this monster; there is always a chance of a drop if an item is listed
Any special properties the monster has
Status effects that are always active on this monster as well as those it is immune to
Cactrot 3 60,000 27 - 10,000 Weak pt: Ice, Water Mind Sting Berserk 39 16 50 1 85 - 255 1 250 255 1 250 100 Soft (1/8) Soft (1/8) - Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Clear, Image
Brachosaur 46,050 51,420 77 14,396 - Weak pt: Ice Swing Battle ×6 95 40 25 55 3,006 18,036 190 51% 70 145 86% 50 100 Ribbon (1/8) Economizer (1/8) - Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Stop, Image
Guardian 50,000 5,000 71 - - - Hit Battle ×1.5 50 40 10 250 9,684 14,526 235 16% 50 185 55% 50 100 - - Can't Control, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop, Clear, Image
Doom Gaze 55,555 38,000 68 - - Absorb HP: Ice, Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Bane Claw Poison 95 40 8 35 1,674 - 150 82% 30 170 66% 30 150 - - Can't Control, Can't Suplex, Wound at 0 MP Float, Shell, Safe
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop
Rain Man 2,722 180 39 890 485 Weak pt: Ice, Water, Pearl Umbrawler Psyche 34 21 10 13 309 - 110 113% 0 145 86% 30 100 - - Can't Suplex, Human, Wound at 0 MP Float
Prevent: Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Psyche, Clear
Kefka 3,000 3,000 18 - - - Hit Battle ×1.5 45 21 9 25 95 143 55 156% 30 160 74% 30 100 Ether (7/8), Elixir (1/8) Peace Ring (100%) Can't Control, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex, Human Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Clear, Image
Opinicus 3,210 514 38 1,270 519 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Riot Battle ×1.5 38 22 10 22 388 582 135 94% 0 150 82% 20 100 Warp Stone (1/8) Warp Stone (1/8) Critical Hits if Imp, Undead Seizure
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Lethal Wpn 9,200 1,956 47 5,848 1,189 Weak pt: Thunder, Water Metal Arm Battle ×2 55 33 15 18 528 1,056 190 51% 10 125 102% 10 100 Debilitator (1/8) - - Reflect
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Clear, Image
Dadaluma 3,270 1,005 22 - 1,210 Weak pt: Poison Sweep Battle/Seizure 30 22 3 12 96 96 85 133% 0 143 88% 10 100 Jewel Ring (7/8), Sneak Ring (1/8) ThiefKnife (7/8), Head Band (1/8) Critical Hits if Imp, Human Prevent: Zombie, Poison, Wound, Near Fatal, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure
AtmaWeapon 24,000 5,000 37 - - - Full Power Battle ×2 67 40 5 45 596 1,192 142 88% 20 97 123% 10 100 Elixir (7/8), Ribbon (1/8) Elixir (100%) Can't Control, Can't Suplex, Wound at 0 MP Float
Prevent: Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Psyche, Stop
Hipocampus 2,444 82 37 981 669 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Clamp Seizure 37 20 10 15 298 - 115 109% 0 160 74% 0 100 Warp Stone (1/8) Warp Stone (1/8) Can't Suplex, Undead, Wound at 0 MP Float
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche, Slow, Stop
Umaro 17,200 6,990 33 - 10 Absorb HP: Ice
Weak pt: Fire, Poison
Tackle Battle ×3 45 40 11 25 316 948 100 121% 0 150 82% 0 100 - - Can't Control, Human Prevent: Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Muddled, Seizure, Stop, Clear
Tentacle 4,000 500 34 - - Absorb HP: Water, Earth Seize Slow 40 23 8 13 235 - 102 120% 0 153 80% 0 100 - - Can't Control, Can't Suplex Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Wound, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Psyche, Clear
Ursus 2,409 74 34 882 2,000 Weak pt: Fire Scratch Battle ×1.5 34 20 10 15 252 378 165 70% 110 140 90% 0 100 Sneak Ring (1/8) - Critical Hits if Imp Prevent: Zombie, Poison, Mute, Muddled, Clear
Chadarnook 56,000 9,400 37 - - Absorb HP: Water, Pearl
Weak pt: Fire
Doom Kiss Condemned 50 40 10 13 278 - 140 90% 0 150 82% 0 100 - - Can't Control, Can't Suplex Prevent: Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Stop
Still Life 4,889 390 37 2,331 1,574 Weak pt: Fire Bane Kiss Poison 45 25 10 13 278 - 150 82% 0 150 82% 0 100 FakeMustache (1/8) - Can't Suplex, Wound at 0 MP Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop, Clear, Image
Pan Dora 1,522 350 39 622 461 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Hypno Gas Psyche 25 18 10 13 309 - 140 90% 0 80 137% 0 100 - - Can't Suplex, Undead, Wound at 0 MP Float
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Displayer 3,826 1,327 38 1,510 393 Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Rib Battle ×2 44 23 10 13 293 586 150 82% 30 135 94% 0 100 Warp Stone (1/8) Warp Stone (1/8) Undead, Wound at 0 MP Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Allosaurus 3,000 300 38 953 731 Weak pt: Fire, Pearl PoisonClaw Poison 15 21 3 10 262 - 105 117% 0 50 160% 0 100 - - - Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Barb-e 3,062 198 39 1,410 631 Weak pt: Poison Slap Mute 30 21 10 13 309 - 100 121% 0 160 74% 0 100 - - Human, Wound at 0 MP Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Clear, Image
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Rages: With Zombie-inflicting Abilities – 3 shown
World of Ruin rages cannot be learned in the World of Balance; unique monster rages are learned from monsters found as set encounters or treasure guardians (but not in random battles); legendary dragon rages are based on unique monsters that are found in the World of Ruin
While using a rage ability, the monster's elemental properties become active; any conflicts with elemental properties of armor or relics are resolved in favor of better elemental defense
While using a rage ability, the monster's status effects and immunities are applied
Other special properties inherited from this monster
Each turn there is a 50% chance of a normal attack and a 50% chance of the attack listed here; special attacks are handled like modified normal attacks
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The effect of this special attack or base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores Defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
Ability Elements
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Ability Statuses
Intangir Absorb HP: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Water, Wind, Earth, Pearl, Poison Clear, Float, Haste, Shell, Safe
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche
Wound at 0 MP Pep Up One Ally 16 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Petrify, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Muus No Effect: Water, Wind, Earth, Pearl, Poison Shell
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Berserk, Muddled, Psyche
Wound at 0 MP Pep Up One Ally 16 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Petrify, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Junk Weak pt: Thunder, Water Float
Prevent: Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Seizure
- Pep Up One Ally 16 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Petrify, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Relics: Which Grant Immunity to Zombie – 4 shown
Rare relics can be stolen from monsters; unique relics are usually found as treasure; strange relics can be won in the colosseum
The status effects removed by this item
The item teaches the listed spell at the listed rate in the same manner as an equipped esper
Price Value Defense
Evade % is listed in gray to indicate that, due to a bug, this value is not used; MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead
Evade %
Due to a bug, MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead of Evade %
Vigor Speed Stamina Mag.Pwr
The elemental protections and weaknesses offered when equipping this item
The characters that can normally equip this item; the Merit Award will expand a character's item selections
Used By
(Relic)Amulet Protects against "Poison", "Dark", "Zombie" Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison - 5,000 GP 2,500 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Memento Ring Departed mom's love protects against fatal magic attacks Prevent: Zombie, Petrify, Wound - - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - Sh Re
(Relic)Ribbon Protects from all status ailments Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche - - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Safety Bit Protects from mortal magic attacks Prevent: Zombie, Petrify, Wound - - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
Rages: Which Grant Immunity to Zombie – 79 shown
World of Ruin rages cannot be learned in the World of Balance; unique monster rages are learned from monsters found as set encounters or treasure guardians (but not in random battles); legendary dragon rages are based on unique monsters that are found in the World of Ruin
While using a rage ability, the monster's elemental properties become active; any conflicts with elemental properties of armor or relics are resolved in favor of better elemental defense
While using a rage ability, the monster's status effects and immunities are applied
Other special properties inherited from this monster
Each turn there is a 50% chance of a normal attack and a 50% chance of the attack listed here; special attacks are handled like modified normal attacks
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The effect of this special attack or base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores Defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
Ability Elements
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Ability Statuses
Samurai Weak pt: Poison Prevent: Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Image Human Lullaby All Foes - 90 - - Psyche -
Orog Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche Human, Undead Pearl One Foe 108 150 Reflect, Runic Pearl - -
Hazer Weak pt: Pearl Prevent: Zombie, Imp, Wound, Condemned Human, Wound at 0 MP Bolt 2 One/All Foes 61 150 Reflect, Runic Thunder - -
Dahling Weak pt: Poison Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Psyche Human, Wound at 0 MP Cure 2 One/All Allies 28 - Reflect, Runic - - -
Rain Man Weak pt: Ice, Water, Pearl Float
Prevent: Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Psyche, Clear
Human, Wound at 0 MP Bolt 3 One/All Foes 120 150 Reflect, Runic Thunder - -
Apokryphos Weak pt: Thunder, Water, Pearl Prevent: Zombie, Poison, Imp, Condemned, Near Fatal, Berserk, Muddled Wound at 0 MP L.3 Muddle All Foes - 100% - - Muddled -
Whisper Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Seizure, Float
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Undead Demi One Foe 1/2 HP 120 Runic, Wound, Stamina - - -
Over-Mind Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche Undead Elf Fire One Foe 72 100% - Fire - -
Osteosaur Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche Undead, Wound at 0 MP X-Zone All Foes - 85 Runic, Wound, Stamina - - -
Ursus Weak pt: Fire Prevent: Zombie, Poison, Mute, Muddled, Clear - Net One Foe - 100 - - Stop -
Suriander Weak pt: Pearl Prevent: Zombie, Imp, Wound, Condemned, Berserk, Muddled, Slow, Stop, Clear - Aqua Rake All Foes 71 150 - Water, Wind - -
Chimera - Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop, Clear, Image - Aqua Rake All Foes 71 150 - Water, Wind - -
FossilFang Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Ice, Water, Pearl
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche Undead Sand Storm All Foes 45 100 - Wind - Full damage to all targets
Brachosaur Weak pt: Ice Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Stop, Image - Disaster One/All Foes - 62 Runic - Dark, Imp, Condemned, Mute, Muddled, Float -
Tyranosaur Weak pt: Ice Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Stop, Image - Meteo All Foes 60 80 - - - Full damage to all targets
Trapper Weak pt: Thunder, Water Float
Prevent: Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Seizure
- L.3 Muddle All Foes - 100% - - Muddled -
Nightshade Absorb HP: Water
Weak pt: Fire
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop, Clear, Image - Charm One Foe - 80 - - Charm -
Bloompire Absorb HP: Water
Weak pt: Fire
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Psyche Undead, Wound at 0 MP Bio One/All Foes 53 120 Reflect, Runic Poison Poison -
Rider Weak pt: Fire, Poison Prevent: Zombie, Imp, Muddled Human Virite All Foes 20 80 - Poison Poison -
Pipsqueak Weak pt: Thunder, Water Prevent: Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Seizure Human Imp One Foe - 100 Reflect, Runic - Imp -
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Lores: Which Add or Remove Zombie – 1 shown
World of Ruin lores are used by monsters in the World of Ruin; unique monster lores are used only by specific unique creatures; special monster lores are used only certain powerful creatures; some lores can be learned in other ways via the use of special abilities
MP Description
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Pep Up 1 Uses own HP to save the party One Ally 16 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Petrify, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Blitzes: Which Remove Zombie – 1 shown
Quested blitzes can be learned from sidequests in addition to by leveling
The level at which Sabin learns this Blitz if he has not yet earned it in some other manner
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Description Elements Notes
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Spiraler 42 R L X Y Right Left 200 Magic All Allies 100% Recovers party at own expense - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop, Freeze
Dance Moves: Which Add or Remove Zombie – 2 shown
World of Balance dances cannot be obtained in the World of Ruin, and World of Ruin dances cannot be obtained in the World of Balance
Dance moves are always shown in purple to differentiate them from other abilities
If you perform a dance in the wrong terrain, there is a 50% chance of stumbling instead of beginning the dance; if the dance begins, the terrain graphic changes; Mog will learn a dance if you win a battle in a terrain for a dance he does not yet know
Once a dance has successfully begun, a random move from that dance will be chosen each turn at the listed probabilities
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Love Sonata Tapir Town 1/16 Magic All Allies - 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Water Rondo Wild Bear Water 1/16 Magic All Allies 100 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Petrify, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop, Freeze -