Treasures: Found in Doga's Grotto – 8 shown
The map where the treasure is found
The specifics of where this treasure can be found
Guarded By
20,000 gil Doga's Grotto B1 North chest in room -
20,000 gil Doga's Grotto B1 East chest in room -
Shining Curtain Doga's Grotto B2 Chest in northeast room -
Shining Curtain Doga's Grotto B2 Chest in northwest room -
Shining Curtain Doga's Grotto B2 Chest in northwest room -
Shining Curtain Doga's Grotto B2 Chest in northwest room -
Eureka Key Doga's Grotto B3 After defeating Doga -
Syrcus Key Doga's Grotto B3 After defeating Unei -