Enemies: From FFXIII – 10 shown
Rare enemies appear infrequently in certain battlegrounds; bosses always appear in certain battlegrounds and must be defeated to continue; final bosses must be defeated to complete the main plotline or any premium plotlines
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Normal monsters in the Interdimensional Rift yield substantially more gil than is listed here
Normal monsters in the Interdimensional Rift yield substantially more experience than is listed here; all monsters in premium areas yield experience scaled to your level
Ghast ✩ 21 420 Scaled Kaiser Knuckles
Flan ✩ 22 690 Scaled Magus Rod
Microchu ✩ 23 690 Scaled Gladius
Taxim ✩ 24 960 Scaled Gigant Axe
Beta Behemoth ✩ 25 1,080 Scaled Blazefire Saber
Behemoth King ✩ 26 1,230 Scaled Gluttony Sword
Flowering Cactuar ✩ 27 1,350 Scaled Save the Queen
Nanochu ✩ 28 960 Scaled Total Eclipses
Ochu ✩ 29 2,730 Scaled Dragon Whisker
Fal'Cie Orphan ✩ 30 4,080 Scaled Omega Weapon