Treasure: Containing MegaElixir – 9 shown
Found Area Era
The particular part of the area where this treasure is found
Notes on the specific location of the treasure and details on non-standard treasures
MegaElixir ×10 End of Time End of Time Spekkio's Room Defeat Spekkio's Nu form (level ✩✩)
MegaElixir Guardia Castle Present East Tower Top Chest
MegaElixir Geno Dome Future Second Floor Chest in room north of Atropos XR fight
MegaElixir Black Omen Dark Ages Hall of Wall Panels East chest
MegaElixir Black Omen Dark Ages Save Point/Nu Room East chest
MegaElixir Black Omen Dark Ages Save Point/Nu Room Northwest chest
MegaElixir Black Omen Dark Ages Platforms on White Energy Path Chest
MegaElixir Black Omen Dark Ages Large White Energy Room Chest left of central northern statue
MegaElixir Black Omen Dark Ages Save Point/Treasure Room Northeast chest