Shops – 133 shown
The location where this shop is found
Shop Type Item Price
Britain Pub Drink 7 gold
Britain Armour Chain 575 gold
Britain Weapons Sword 200 gold
Britain Weapons Dagger 5 gold
Britain Armour Cloth 75 gold
Britain Weapons Axe 125 gold
Britain Grocery Food 1 gold
Britain Armour Plate 2,500 gold
Britain Weapons Sling 60 gold
Britain Armour Leather 195 gold
Britain Weapons Mace 30 gold
Britain Weapons Bow 350 gold
Britain Weapons 2-H-Swd 250 gold
Castle of Lord British Oracle Hints 100–900 gold
Dawn Weapons Bow 350 gold
Dawn Weapons 2-H-Swd 250 gold
Dawn Weapons Sword 200 gold
Dawn Guild Gem 75 gold
Dawn Guild Powder 90 gold
Dawn Stables 4 horses 800 gold
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