Worlds: Where Frigate may be Encountered – 13 shown
Extraterrestrial planets are external to Earth and only have one time period each
The year or time this world exists in, as described by the world's sign
The first coordinate entered when using Hyperspace to travel to this world
The second coordinate entered when using Hyperspace to travel to this world
The third coordinate entered when using Hyperspace to travel to this world
Legends Legends - - -
Pangea 9,000,000 B.C. 6 6 6
B.C. 1423 B.C. 6 6 6
A.D. 1990 A.D. 6 6 6
Aftermath 2112 A.D. 6 6 6
Mercury - 5 4 5
Venus - 3 3 4
Mars - 6 2 3
Jupiter - 1 3 4
Saturn - 2 8 5
Uranus - 9 4 6
Pluto - 0 1 4
X - 9 9 9