Found Items: In Colosseum – 10 shown
Minor Items:
The item or event that is found here
The type of item or event this is
A description of exactly where this item or event is found; if there are no notes, the item or event is unavoidable or in plain sight; all repeatable item sources are referred to here as "candles," including torches, etc.
How To Find
The exact coordinates where this item or event is found; if you hover over a set of coordinates, the location of the item or event will be highlighted on the area map
Knight Shield Armor Enter room from either side (13,18)
Heart max up Enhancement - (25,20)
Blood cloak Armor - (19,20)
Green tea Item - (18,20)
Shield rod Weapon - (12,20)
Library card Item - (17,18)
Minotaur&Werewolf Boss - (18,18)
Life max up Enhancement Defeat Minotaur&Werewolf (18,18)
Form of Mist Relic Defeat Minotaur&Werewolf and leap over the gap (20,18)
Holy sword Weapon Destroy ceiling and fly up to this room (18,16)