Found Items: During Wrecked Merchant Freighter – 9 shown
The area where this object is found
The type of object to be examined
If the object requires a hack or bypass minigame to open, that is indicated here
The item found by examining this object; names in gray italics indicate items which are only available through downloadable content
Where within this area the object can be found; these are normally listed in general order of appearance
MSV Corsica Crash Site Refined Platinum - 560 platinum Near landing site
MSV Corsica Crash Site Damaged mech parts - 1,500 credits Near side wall
MSV Corsica Crash Site Refined Platinum - 580 platinum Near central outcrop
MSV Corsica Crash Site Refined Platinum - 440 platinum Near side wall
MSV Corsica Crash Site Damaged mech parts - 1,500 credits Near landing site
MSV Corsica Crash Site Med Kit - Medi-gel Central area
MSV Corsica Crash Site Damaged mech parts - 750 credits Central area
MSV Corsica Crash Site Refined Platinum - 420 platinum Central area
MSV Corsica Crash Site Power Cells - Heavy Weapon Ammo Near ship