Found Items: During Treason – 23 shown
The area where this object is found
The type of object to be examined
If the object requires a hack or bypass minigame to open, that is indicated here
The item found by examining this object; names in gray italics indicate items which are only available through downloadable content
Where within this area the object can be found; these are normally listed in general order of appearance
The Migrant Fleet Med Kit - Medi-gel First room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Power Cells - Heavy Weapon Ammo First room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Laptop - 1,500 credits First room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Laptop - 1,800 credits First room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Medical Station - Medi-gel Room off of first hallway after geth
The Migrant Fleet Terminal Hack 4,200 credits Room off of first hallway after geth
The Migrant Fleet Monitor Hack Geth Shield Strength Room at end of first hallway after geth
The Migrant Fleet Laptop - 1,800 credits Second room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Laptop - 2,100 credits Second room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Wall Safe Bypass 4,200 credits Second room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Med Kit - Medi-gel Third room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Refined Palladium - 2,000 palladium Third room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Wall Safe Bypass 3,000 credits Hall after third room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Laptop - 2,400 credits Fourth room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Laptop - 1,800 credits Fourth room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Med Kit - Medi-gel Fourth room with geth
The Migrant Fleet Power Cells - Heavy Weapon Ammo Room near dead Quarian
The Migrant Fleet Wall Safe Bypass 2,700 credits Room near dead Quarian
The Migrant Fleet Med Kit - Medi-gel Room near dead Quarian
The Migrant Fleet Wall Safe Bypass 1,500 credits Room near dead Quarian
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