Missions: Which start or take place on Citadel – 12 shown
The category and name of this mission or assignment; Missions are more significant in nature than assignments; DLC missions are only available if you have installed the relevant content
Whether this is a plot mission or an optional assignment
The experience reward for completing this mission
The standard credit reward for completing this mission; different amounts of credits may be earned depending on how the mission is completed
The area or planet where this mission is initially started
What you have to do in the start area to trigger this mission
Trigger Condition
The areas involved in the completion of this mission (not including the start area, unless the mission proper takes place there)
Mission 750 30,000 credits Normandy SR-2 Complete a mission after recruiting Thane, with no other missions pending Citadel - 800 Blocks
Citadel - Zakera Ward
Mission 750 15,000 credits Normandy SR-2 Complete Horizon mission and four more missions/assignments Citadel - Factory District
Citadel - Zakera Ward
Assignment 40 4,500 credits Omega - Merchant District Complete the Horizon mission, talk to Ish Illium - Nos Astra
Citadel - Zakera Ward
Mission - - Citadel - Zakera Ward Enter the area Citadel - Zakera Ward
Mission - - Normandy SR-2 First arrival Citadel - Zakera Ward
Mission - - Normandy SR-2 First arrival Citadel - Zakera Ward
Assignment 40 1,000 credits Citadel - Zakera Ward Listen to Kargesh (level 27) Citadel - Zakera Ward
Mission 750 30,000 credits Citadel - Zakera Ward Recruit Kasumi Bekenstein
Assignment 40 1,000 credits Citadel - Zakera Ward Take Forged IDs Citadel - Factory District
Assignment 40 - Normandy SR-2 Talk to Dr. Chakwas (deck 3) Omega - Merchant District
Citadel - Zakera Ward
Assignment 40 1,000 credits Citadel - Zakera Ward Talk to Lia'Vael (level 26) Citadel - Zakera Ward
Assignment 40 - Normandy SR-2 Talk to Sergeant Gardner (deck 3) Citadel - Zakera Ward
Areas: On Citadel – 3 shown
The planet or satellite where this area is located
The name of the area; most areas will be shown with their planet name, but some have no specific area name; DLC areas are only available if you have installed the relevant content
Citadel Zakera Ward
Citadel Factory District
Citadel 800 Blocks