Found Items – 683 shown
The area where this object is found
The type of object to be examined
If the object requires a hack or bypass minigame to open, that is indicated here
The item found by examining this object; names in gray italics indicate items which are only available through downloadable content
Where within this area the object can be found; these are normally listed in general order of appearance
Project BaseDLC Analysis Data - Heavy Skin Weave Side room from comm tower hallway
Quarian Landing Zone Ancient Wall Safe Bypass 6,000 credits In room beyond collapsed pillar
Project BaseDLC Armor and Weapons - Choose Loadout Outside med bay
CorangDLC Artifact - 250 credits Fourth artifact
CorangDLC Artifact - 250 credits Second artifact
CorangDLC Artifact - 250 credits Third artifact
CorangDLC Artifact - 250 credits Fifth artifact
CorangDLC Artifact - 250 credits First artifact
Merchant District Assault Rifle - Assault Rifle Damage Morinth's apartment
Market DistrictDLC ATM Hack 6,250 credits Second floor of bombed building
Freedom's Progress Automatic - M-4 Shuriken Machine Pistol Start of mission
Urdnot Ruins Automatic - Shotgun Damage Complete mission
Merchant District Automatic - 500 element zero Complete Ardat-Yakshi mission
Normandy SR-2 Automatic - Medi-Gel Capacity Complete Serrice Ice Brandy assignment
Shadow Broker BaseDLC Automatic - Dog Tags Invite Liara back to the Normandy
Freedom's Progress Automatic - M-92 Mantis Sniper Rifle Start of mission
Freedom's Progress Automatic - M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle Start of mission
Freedom's Progress Automatic - M-23 Katana Shotgun Start of mission
MSV Estevanico Crash Site Automatic - 3,750 credits Complete the assignment
The Migrant Fleet Automatic - Tech Damage Complete the trial
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