Abilities: Which Fang can learn – 72 shown
The role that can learn this ability
Auto abilities are always active and do not need to be used; secondary abilities are only available in characters' secondary crystariums; unique abilities are available to only a single character; basic abilities cannot be used once the crystarium has been unlocked
The number of ATB sections required to use this ability; "Auto" abilities are automatically used rather than selected, and have no associated ATB cost
ATB Cost
If this ability is of a particular element or causes a particular status effect, it is listed here; elemental abilities may be more or less effective depending on the resistances and vulnerabilities of the target
The crystarium stage at which this character can learn this ability
The chapter in which this ability first becomes available to this character
Commando Adrenaline Auto - 5 7
Commando Attack 1 - 1 7
Commando Blitz 2 - 3 7
Sentinel Deathward Auto - 2 7
Sentinel Evade Auto - 4 7
Sentinel Fringeward Auto - 3 7
Commando Launch Auto - 5 7
Sentinel Mediguard 1 - 1 7
Sentinel Provoke 1 Provoke 1 7
Commando Ruin 1 - 2 7
Saboteur Slow 1 Slow 1 7
Saboteur Slowga 3 Slow 5 7
Commando Smite Auto - 5 7
Saboteur Curse 1 Curse 6 9
Saboteur Cursega 3 Curse 6 9
Saboteur Dispel 2 Dispel 6 9
Commando Lifesiphon Auto - 6 9
Commando Ravage Auto - 6 9
Commando Scourge Auto - 6 9
Sentinel Steelguard 1 - 6 9
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