Shop Items: Appearing in or Exclusive to Oerba -200 AF- – 21 shown
Name Category
This item will not be sold by Chocolina until you have reached this time period; even items exclusively sold in other time periods may require you to venture further in your quest before they become available
Trigger Time Period
Delicate Power Wristband Accessories Oerba -200 AF-
Durable Power Wristband Accessories Oerba -200 AF-
Delicate Magician's Mark Accessories Oerba -200 AF-
Durable Magician's Mark Accessories Oerba -200 AF-
Delicate Metal Armband Accessories Oerba -200 AF-
Delicate Serenity Sachet Accessories Oerba -200 AF-
Delicate Star Pendant Accessories Oerba -200 AF-
Delicate Pearl Necklace Accessories Oerba -200 AF-
Delicate Warding Talisman Accessories Oerba -200 AF-
Delicate Hypnocrown Special Oerba -200 AF-
Fairy Wings Special Oerba -200 AF-
Red Propeller Special Oerba -200 AF-
Headdress of Courage Special Oerba -200 AF-
Youthful Parasol Special Oerba -200 AF-
Sentimental Parasol Special Oerba -200 AF-
Gold Padlock Special Oerba -200 AF-
Crimson Flower Special Oerba -200 AF-
Pink Flower Special Oerba -200 AF-
Purple Flower Special Oerba -200 AF-
White Tree Special Oerba -200 AF-
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