Shop Items – 274 shown
Name Category
This item will not be sold by Chocolina until you have reached this time period; even items exclusively sold in other time periods may require you to venture further in your quest before they become available
Trigger Time Period
Items in the 'Special' category are only sold by Chocolina in a single time period, indicated here; items in other categories are available for sale in all time periods after they initially become available
Exclusively Sold In
Phoenix Down Items Bresha Ruins -005 AF- -
Remedy Items Bresha Ruins -005 AF- -
Wound Potion Items Bresha Ruins -005 AF- -
Antidote Items Bresha Ruins -005 AF- -
Holy Water Items Bresha Ruins -005 AF- -
Painkiller Items Bresha Ruins -005 AF- -
Mallet Items Bresha Ruins -005 AF- -
Wax Items Bresha Ruins -005 AF- -
Potion Items Bresha Ruins -005 AF- -
Rune Feather Weapons Academia -400 AF- -
In Paradisum Weapons Valhalla -Year Unknown- -
Sargatanas Weapons Academia -400 AF- -
Trollspike Weapons A Dying World -700 AF- -
Shellbreaker Weapons A Dying World -700 AF- -
Angel's Bow Weapons A Dying World -700 AF- -
Nomad's Machete Weapons A Dying World -700 AF- -
Mac an Luin Weapons Valhalla -Year Unknown- -
Sagittarius Weapons Valhalla -Year Unknown- -
Orochi Weapons Academia -500 AF- -
Arcus Chronica Weapons Valhalla -Year Unknown- -
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