Shop Goods: Sold in Esthar Book Store – 16 shown
The name of the item being sold
The cost to buy this item in this shop, if it is available for sale; these values apply if you do not have the Haggle menu ability
The cost to buy this item in this shop if you have the Haggle menu ability and it is available for sale
Whether the Familiar menu ability is required to purchase this item from this shop
Weapons Mon Mar 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Weapons Mon Apr 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Weapons Mon May 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Weapons Mon Jun 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Weapons Mon Jul 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Weapons Mon Aug 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Combat King 001 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Combat King 002 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Combat King 003 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Combat King 004 1,000 gil 750 gil Familiar
Pet Pals Vol.1 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Pet Pals Vol.2 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Combat King 005 30,000 gil 22,500 gil Familiar
Occult Fan I 35,000 gil 26,250 gil Familiar
Occult Fan II 35,000 gil 26,250 gil Familiar
Weapons Mon 1st 50,000 gil 37,500 gil Familiar