Monster Abilities: Haste-Affecting – 4 shown
Basic abilities are not called out by name when used; some abilities are used as basic abilities only by certain monsters
The damage calculation of the ability; P or M represent the user's physical or magic base damage, which is based on their Attack/Magic atk and Level; damage based on P or M is reduced by 1/3 when used against multiple targets; HP or MP are those of the target of the ability; abilities marked with an asterisk (*) use special damage formulas; a dagger (†) indicates the ability ignores Defense/Magic def; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging abilities are indicated by their text color
Base Damage
Attack% Type Target Element
The status effects that can be inflicted or removed by this ability, and the chance of success if it is not assured
Special Properties
Adrenaline - - Always Hits Magic Self - Add: Haste, Barrier Ignores Status defense
Aurora Fence - 22+M 100% Magic All enemies Restorative Remove: Death, Sleep, Poison, Sadness, Fury, Confusion, Haste, Slow, Frog, Small, Slow-numb, Petrify, Regen, Barrier, MBarrier, Reflect, Shield, Berserk, Peerless, Death Force, Resist -
Revenge Stamp - 118.8%×P Always Hits Physical One/all enemies - Remove: Haste -
Aire Tam Storm - 1,111×Mat.* Always Hits Physical One/all enemies - Remove: Haste, Slow, Stop, Regen, Barrier, MBarrier, Reflect, Shield, Death Force, Resist Drains HP, deals 1,111 damage per materia equipped by target