Shop Items: Revivify – 14 shown
World of Ruin shops replace the original shops in the World of Ruin
Price Area Map World Notes
Figaro Castle Items 300 GP Balance After returning to Narshe, half price if Edgar leads
Kohlingen Items 300 GP Balance -
Jidoor Items 300 GP Balance -
Blackjack Items 300 GP Balance -
Albrook Items 300 GP Balance -
Tzen Items 300 GP Balance -
Thamasa Items 300 GP Balance Not open until after the banquet
Albrook Items 300 GP Ruin -
Tzen Items 300 GP Ruin -
Nikeah Items 300 GP Ruin -
South Figaro Items 300 GP Ruin -
Kohlingen Items 300 GP Ruin -
Jidoor Items 300 GP Ruin -
Thamasa Items 300 GP Ruin -