Shop Items: Sold in Narshe – 54 shown
World of Ruin shops replace the original shops in the World of Ruin
Item Price Map World Notes
Narshe Armor Mithril Shld 1,200 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Armor Magus Hat 600 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Armor Bandana 800 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Armor Iron Helmet 1,000 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Armor Silk Robe 600 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Armor Iron Armor 700 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Items Tonic 50 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Items Potion 300 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Items Tincture 1,500 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Items Soft 200 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Items Fenix Down 500 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Items Sleeping Bag 500 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Items Tent 1,200 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Items Smoke Bomb 300 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Barrier Ring 500 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Fairy Ring 1,500 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Jewel Ring 1,000 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Sprint Shoes 1,500 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics True Knight 1,000 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics MithrilGlove 700 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
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