Set Encounters – 8 search results
Any encounters you've seen that appear on the Veldt will appear in groups; each encounter goes to the next group with at least one available encounter in it; encounters with no value listed do not appear on the Veldt
Veldt Group
Area Map Item Won Notes
Ice Dragon - Force Shld Interact with the dragon in the maze in the World of Ruin; one of the 8 legendary dragons
Storm Drgn - Force Armor Step on the switch at the north end of the cavern; one of the 8 legendary dragons
Dirt Drgn - Magus Rod Use the right switch in the left side trio in the switch room in the World of Ruin; one of the 8 legendary dragons
Red Dragon - Strato Interact with the wandering dragon; one of the 8 legendary dragons
Blue Drgn - Scimitar Interact the the wandering dragon; one of the 8 legendary dragons
White Drgn 61 - Interact the the wandering dragon; one of the 8 legendary dragons
Gold Drgn - Crystal Orb Interact with the dragon on the platform; one of the 8 legendary dragons
Skull Drgn - Muscle Belt Interact with the dragon on the platform; one of the 8 legendary dragons