Characters: From FFXI – 1 shown
Premium generic characters must be purchased, and multiples can appear in a single battle; premium unique characters are also purchased, but you will only ever have one of each in your party during an encounter
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Unlock Level
Your party will never feature more than one of the same unique character at a time
Weapon Type Ability
Shantotto ✩ 24 - Yes Rod Tornado
Gear: From FFXI – 6 shown
Advanced gear is particularly powerful; exceptional gear is among the most powerful of its type; character-specific gear is only used by certain premium unique characters
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Some premium gear affects only a single character instead of all characters that use a certain type of gear
Attack Dropped By
Claymore 20 Greatsword +1 Crazy Horse
Surviver 21 Greatsword +1 Gigas
Homura 65 Katana +6 Ninja
Nanatsusayanotachi 66 Katana +7 Kraken
Gluttony Sword ✩ 12 Greatsword +5 Behemoth King
Gigant Axe ✩ 27 Axe +15 Taxim