Characters: From FFVII – 4 shown
Premium generic characters must be purchased, and multiples can appear in a single battle; premium unique characters are also purchased, but you will only ever have one of each in your party during an encounter
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Unlock Level
Your party will never feature more than one of the same unique character at a time
Weapon Type
Tifa ✩ 12 - Yes Claws Beat Rush & Somersault
Red XIII ✩ 14 - Yes Claws Blood Fang
Cloud ✩ 11 - Yes Greatsword Meteorain
Aerith ✩ 13 - Yes Rod Healing Wind
Enemies: From FFVII – 11 shown
Rare enemies appear infrequently in certain battlegrounds; bosses always appear in certain battlegrounds and must be defeated to continue; final bosses must be defeated to complete the main plotline or any premium plotlines
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Normal monsters in the Interdimensional Rift yield substantially more gil than is listed here
Normal monsters in the Interdimensional Rift yield substantially more experience than is listed here; all monsters in premium areas yield experience scaled to your level
Kactuar 7 1,020 20 Diamond Bell
Sweeper ✩ 1 690 Scaled Wizer Staff
SOLDIER 3rd Class ✩ 2 690 Scaled Hardedge
Death Machine ✩ 3 690 Scaled Princess Guard
Sword Dance ✩ 4 960 Scaled Premium Heart
SOLDIER 2nd Class ✩ 5 960 Scaled Butterfly Edge
Corvette ✩ 6 1,080 Scaled Nail Bat
Master Tonberry ✩ 7 1,380 Scaled Limited Moon
SOLDIER 1st Class ✩ 8 1,230 Scaled Apocalypse
Ultimate Weapon ✩ 9 2,730 Scaled Ultima Weapon
Safer Sephiroth ✩ 10 4,080 Scaled Death Penalty
Gear: From FFVII – 12 shown
Advanced gear is particularly powerful; exceptional gear is among the most powerful of its type; character-specific gear is only used by certain premium unique characters
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Some premium gear affects only a single character instead of all characters that use a certain type of gear
Attack Dropped By
Yoshiyuki 64 Katana +5 Great Malboro
Quicksilver 82 Gun +5 Magitek Armor
Hardedge ✩ 7 Greatsword +1 SOLDIER 3rd Class
Butterfly Edge ✩ 8 Greatsword +3 SOLDIER 2nd Class
Nail Bat ✩ 9 Greatsword +5 Corvette
Apocalypse ✩ 10 Greatsword +2 SOLDIER 1st Class
Ultima Weapon ✩ 11 Greatsword +10 Ultimate Weapon
Wizer Staff ✩ 16 Rod +4 Sweeper
Princess Guard ✩ 17 Rod +10 Death Machine
Premium Heart ✩ 19 Claws +10 Sword Dance
Death Penalty ✩ 25 Gun +15 Safer Sephiroth
Limited Moon ✩ 30 Red XIII +10 Master Tonberry