Shop Goods: Sold at Leene Square (Armor Stand) – 2 shown
The price to buy this item at this shop; in the Prehistoric era, some shops require items for trade rather than money
Karate Gi 300 G
BronzeHelm 200 G
Armor: Available at Leene Square (Armor Stand) – 2 shown
Unique armors can only be found as treasure or in other limited fashions; rare armors can also be dropped by or charmed from non-boss monsters; starting armors are weak but cannot be found except when given to new party members
The base bonus to physical defense granted by this armor weapon; the higher this number, the less damage a character takes from normal attacks
The element this armor offers protection against
The status ailments this armor prevents, or the status benefits it grants
The value of an armor when sold to a shop; not all armor can be sold
Description Equipped By
Karate Gi Armor 10 - - 150 G - Any Character
BronzeHelm Helmet 8 - - 100 G - Any Character