Locations – 61 shown
Temporary locations are only accessible during certain plot events; time-compressed locations are only accessible on disc 4
The region or other location from which you can enter this location
The specific area from which you can enter this location
Balamb Balamb Region Alcauld Plains
Balamb Garden Balamb Region Alcauld Plains
Balamb Region - -
Centra Excavation Site - -
Centra Region - -
Centra Ruins Centra Region Centra Crater
Chocobo Forest (Bika Snowfield) Trabia Region Bika Snowfield
Chocobo Forest (Grandidi Forest) Esthar Region Grandidi Forest
Chocobo Forest (Lenown Plains) Centra Region Lenown Plains
Chocobo Forest (Nectar Peninsula) Centra Region Nectar Peninsula
Chocobo Forest (Sorbald Snowfield) Trabia Region Sorbald Snowfield
Chocobo Forest (Talle Mountains) Esthar Region Talle Mountains
Chocobo Forest (Winter Island) Trabia Region Winter Island
Commencement Room Lunatic Pandora -
Crash Site Esthar Region Abadan Plains
Deep Sea Deposit Deep Sea Research Center -
Deep Sea Research Center - -
Deling City Galbadia Region Great Plains of Galbadia
Desert - -
Desert Prison Station Galbadia Region Great Plains of Galbadia
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